The reason Mr. Trump attracts young voters
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The reason Mr. Trump attracts young voters

(Dan Tri) – American youth gradually lean toward the Republican Party and support candidate Donald Trump when the former President pledged to solve the economic crisis.

Former US President Donald Trump spoke at a campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin on April 2 (Photo: Reuters).

Despite the rain and cold wind, on April 2, about 3,000 people lined up outside the Green Bay convention center to meet Mr. Donald Trump, many of whom were young people.

The former US President won support from voters through `inspirational` speeches on solutions to the economic crisis, illegal immigration and ongoing conflicts.

Voters are also not very concerned about the criminal cases that Mr. Trump is facing, or the accusations against him about his efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Turner, a 23-year-old man who voted for Mr. Trump in 2020, said he supported every decision the former President made, from gun control to his commitment to solving illegal immigration.

`Mr. Trump did nothing to make me uncomfortable while he was in office. With Mr. Biden, there are many things I disagree with. Many of my friends have this same opinion,` Turner said.

The Reuters/Ipsos survey shows that the proportion of Americans aged 18-29 who support the Republican Party is increasing year by year, from 24% in 2016 to 26% in 2020 and currently 28%.

If Mr. Trump continues to closely follow Mr. Biden in terms of support until election day November 5, this will be a big advantage for him compared to 2020. At that time, Mr. Biden won by 24 points.

Concerns about President Biden’s age and his support for Israel in its fight against Hamas in Gaza have eroded support among young voters for the White House boss at a time when he also

There are also signs that young people are increasingly leaning toward Republicans, despite President Biden’s efforts to court them by trying to cancel student debt, increase affordable housing and reverse the trend.

However, a group of young people braving the harsh weather to go to an event to support Mr. Trump does not represent the outcome of the entire election, especially when the voting decisions of young voters are extremely unpredictable.

Besides, other surveys also show that Mr. Biden still holds a significant advantage among young voters.

A poll conducted by Economist/YouGov last week showed that 51% of voters under 30 years old chose Mr. Biden, while this number was only 32% for Mr. Trump.

To Uyen

According to Reuters

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