Mr. Trump and his wife began quarantining after his assistant contracted Covid-19
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Mr. Trump and his wife began quarantining after his assistant contracted Covid-19

(Dan Tri) – President Donald Trump said he and First Lady Melania were tested for coronavirus after a close advisor contracted Covid-19.

President Trump and First Lady Melania after the debate with opponent Joe Biden on September 29.

`Hope Hicks, who has been working hard without any time off, just tested positive for Covid-19. How bad! The First Lady and I are waiting for test results. While

According to the Guardian, it is currently unclear how long President Trump’s quarantine period will last.

Quarantine could affect President Trump’s election campaign when the race for the White House is in the sprint stage.

In addition, the Republican candidate is also preparing to face two direct debates with opponent Joe Biden this month, before the official election takes place on November 3.

“She tested positive, I just heard about it.

President Trump said he and First Lady Melania Trump have both been tested for Covid-19, but he does not know whether they will have to be quarantined or not.

“I just got tested and we’ll see what happens, who knows what will happen… I spent a lot of time with Hope and so did the first lady,” Mr. Trump added.

President Trump speculated that Hope may have contracted the virus after coming into contact with a supporter.

“She is a very warm person.

Mr. Trump and his wife began quarantining after his assistant contracted Covid-19

Hope Hicks escorted President Trump onto Air Force One on September 30.

Hope Hicks worked in Mr. Trump’s 2016 election campaign and became a close assistant, considered by Mr. Trump as his daughter after he became the owner of the White House.

According to CNN, Hope Hicks has accompanied President Trump on many recent occasions, including the debate with presidential candidate Joe Biden in Cleveland on September 29.

According to the expected schedule, Mr. Trump will attend a fundraising event at his hotel in Washington and travel to Sanford, Florida to campaign on October 2.

A source close to Hope Hicks said that she had developed symptoms of Covid-19 and was returning to Washington.

Before Hope Hicks, several of President Trump’s advisors, including National Advisor Robert O’Brien, had Covid-19.

The US is still the largest epidemic area in the world with more than 7.4 million people infected with Covid-19, of which more than 210,000 have died.

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